We are raising $100,000 in Golden for much needed equipment and furniture additions for Durand Manor. Durand Manor is an essential long term care home for people who can no longer be cared for in their own homes or in an assisted living residence.
We are all aware that there is a shortage of funds for Health Care across British Columbia. Long term care homes are often put on the back burner. It is not because the needs of the residents aren’t urgent, but because other equipment throughout the province is prioritized over them. Durand Manor is no exception.
If you have ever had a family member or friend reside at Durand Manor, you know how wonderful the staff are. You know that your loved one is treated as family, and that they are safe and well cared for. You also know that their home is missing many items that would make your loved one’s stay so much more comfortable.
Durand Manor is missing comfortable rooms for the residents. Most of the furnishings are either over 20 years old or nonexistent. There are no dressers or nightstands in many of the bedrooms for the residents. The dining room and the lounge furniture is old, outdated, and unacceptable for the needs of our loved ones.
We are raising $100,000 to replace the bedroom furniture in every single resident’s room at Durand Manor. This will ensure they have dressers and nightstands to live safely and comfortably. We will also replace the dining room and lounge furniture with safe, hospital grade, accessible, and senior friendly furniture.
Many of the residents who live at Durand Manor have been in Golden for many years contributing to the wonderful community. They have given so much to us in so many ways and now it is time for us to give back. They are missing comfortable furniture in their home and deserve so much better!
Spread the word, donate, and become a Champion for health care today!